Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Mt 10:7-15

All of us are called into mission. When Jesus sends us, we are not going alone but we always go with His Spirit. It is a matter of saying that 'we should trust in the Lord.' We would realize that even before we go to the mission area, everything was already prepared for us. He had already touched the hearts of all those who would help us to do our mission. Through these generous peoples, God make possible for us to do our tasks.

God told us to heal the sick and to bring peace to every home we live in. In my vocation, I may not be a physical doctor. But I can say that I am following a life of healing woundedness where i could facilitate forgiveness to bring peace to each and everyone. Peace is the presence of the Jesus Christ in our hearts. When there is Jesus Christ, there is always healing because there is forgiveness and there is always love.

Jesus challenges us to become moderate in our lifestyle. He allowed us, as workers in His vineyard, to accept gifts from the people for the laborer deserves his keep. Moreover, we are encouraged to be generous givers since everything we are giving came from God.

Jesus also warns us. Our journey would not always be a beautiful one. Mostly, there will be persecutions and there will always be trials. We should be prepared but we should not take any revenge for ourselves for God will do the rest of the fight for us.

I can say that today's reading is a good contract between us and God. Between God and myself, I can say that TRUST is all I need to follow His call.

God will provide, I will not be afraid. den mar

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