Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Flower From Heaven

it is always raining rose flowers everyday...
but there's only one in every ten billion flower roses
that you will catch and leave others behind.

what the catcher would choose
could be meaningless for us,
but for the catcher...
it could be his entire world,
it could be his entire everything.

go, now, my dear loving catcher...
go with your ever dearest evanescent rose flower now
we know that its petals will soon wilt and will soon die...
but i know
what you have caught and what you have embraced
with your whole soul in this lifetime
is a glimpse of eternity
in a moment that is dying...

what you hold treasure in your hands--
with its beauty and its thorns...
is a glimpse of the face of God in a moment that is ending
but surely your beloved rose will etched a happy memory
in the vastness of the universe
that would last forever
in the eternal time of God...

'till we meet again.' denmar

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