Friday, February 6, 2015


Scouting is a virtue oriented movement. We can still be Scouts even we are materially poor... even we become empty from riches, as Scouts, we can always innovate to create something new... but without honor and without God, Scouting is meaningless--it becomes a movement driven by personal ambition to elevate only oneself above the others which is not among the objectives of Scouting as founded by Lord Baden Powell. Scouting is a brotherhood that promotes peace right from the beginning of its foundation. For us, Scouts, the way to peace is through the virtue that we are clinging into. As servant-leaders for others, we share to everyone the 'peace of God' which inspires us to change the world to a better place. God is the root of our faith... God's goodness is the origin of our virtue.
This virtue is the reason behind why we 'do our best' in whatever endeavor we are into. It is a part of our training to work hard in earning our merit badges-- this is to inculcate deeply in our conscience the 'spirit of goodness' in everything we desire and in everything we do. With this virtue in us-- we value humility... we value honor... we value service... for all of these are highly essential for us to master ourselves with the guidance of our Scout Oath and Law.
Scouting is not a religion which worships money, prestige nor feeds those who lust for power; but, it is a humble movement with a trail leading us all Scouts into a path towards God. In our own little ways, we serve God through the love of our neighbors... we heard the call that's why we responded to serve our fellowmen with joy and gladness. Through our service, we share to others the 'happiness' which overflows from our simple lives. To love is our vocation... our virtue, as Scouts, is our indelible mark that imprints LOVE in our hearts. den mar
Amid the controversies that are currently shaking our movement, there is a 'sacred call' springing from our conscience which invites us to reflect on our identity as Scouts.

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