Friday, July 6, 2012

Matthew 9:14-17

It is given that the Jews, including the Pharisees are all waiting for the Messiah. They fail to realize that Jesus is the one who they are waiting for. But the disciples whom Jesus called allow their selves to follow Jesus and believe with their whole heart giving them reason to rejoice, to celebrate and to feast. The Pharisees were so occupied (busy) in observing the tradition of the observance of fasting that they fail to recognize that Jesus is the bridegroom of the wedding feast. Jesus is the reason to believe… the reason to be happy… the reason to gather and dine together.

The new and old cloth and wineskin are mere symbolisms. It could be in the context of tradition. Fasting is one of the traditions of the Jews from Moses. Jesus did not abolish the tradition but fulfills it. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the Messiah they are waiting for. Jesus is the reason for feasting.

In relation to my personal context, old wine skin could represent my old sinner self and the new skin could represent the teaching of Jesus. If I would not let my old self die, I would not be able to understand and love Jesus. What I would only love is my old self… my selfish self, my sinner old self, my proud old self. But if I renew myself like a new cloth, I could embrace the new life which is offered by Jesus.

For me, this would always be a challenge. To remain in Jesus by being faithful to his teachings is my day to day struggle. But, I always remind myself that there is no more turning back. I need to let go so that I could let God to work in me.

There’s still reason for me to rejoice even Jesus is not around with us physically. The Eucharist that we share everyday is the presence of Jesus in our midst. Like Jesus’ apostles, we always have reasons to feast and be gathered as one family of God… sinners and saints, rich and poor, and we as brothers---all of us are invited in the table of the Lord. Amen.