Saturday, June 30, 2012


some problems are not problems at all
sometimes they are blessings
if we just look deeply unto them on a different perspective

i complain too much about my life
until i realized that the worst challenge i perceived
is the best choice for me by God

from this i learned to ask God more frequently
that if i can't praise him through the way i chose
that He would teach me His ways to glorify his name

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS


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(New English Translation, Roman Missal, 3rd Edition)

Priest: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Priest: The Lord be with you. (or another greeting)
People:And with your spirit.
Penitential Act (Confiteor and/or Kyrie):
A) All: I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters,
that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words,
in what I have done and in what I have failed to do,
through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault;
therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints,
and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.
B) Priest: Lord, have mercy. People: Lord, have mercy.
Priest: Christ, have mercy. People: Christ, have mercy.
Priest: Lord, have mercy. People: Lord, have mercy.
Gloria (an ancient hymn of praise):
All: Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to people of good will.
We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you,
we give you thanks for your great glory,
Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father.
Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us;
you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.
For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Response after the First and Second Readings:
Lector: The Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.
Dialogue before the Gospel Proclamation:
Cantor: Alleluia! (sung) People: Alleluia!
Priest: The Lord be with you. People: And with your spirit.
Priest: A reading from the Holy Gospel according to .
People: Glory to you, O Lord.
After the Gospel Proclamation:
Priest: The Gospel of the Lord. People: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Profession of Faith (Nicene Creed; or the Apostles Creed may also be recited):
I believe in one God, the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come. Amen.
Universal Prayer / Prayer of the Faithful:
Lector: …let us pray to the Lord. People: Lord, hear our prayer.

Preparation of the Table / Presentation of the Gifts (first part may be done silently):
Priest: Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, through your goodness… (2x)
People:Blessed be God for ever.
Priest: Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and yours
may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father.
People:May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands,
for the praise and glory of his name,
for our good, and the good of all his holy Church.
Acclamations during the Eucharistic Prayer:
Preface Dialogue:
Priest: The Lord be with you. People: And with your spirit.
Priest: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them up to the Lord.
Priest: Let us give thanks to the Lord, our God. People: It is right and just.

All: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
Mystery of Faith:
Priest: The mystery of faith:
People: A – We proclaim your death, O Lord,
and profess your Resurrection until you come again.
B – When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup,
we proclaim your death, O Lord, until you come again.
C – Save us, Savior of the world,
for by your Cross and Resurrection, you have set us free.
Great Amen:
Priest: Through him, with him, and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, for ever and ever.
People: Amen. (may be sung more than once)

Lord's Prayer:
All: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Priest: Deliver us, Lord, we pray, from every evil,…
All: For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and for ever.
Sign of Peace:
Priest: The Peace of the Lord be with you always. All: And with your spirit.
Breaking of the Bread:
All: Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: grant us peace.
Preparation for Communion:
Priest: Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world.
Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.
People:Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
Reception of Communion:
Minister: The Body of Christ. Communicant: Amen.
Minister: The Blood of Christ. Communicant: Amen.

Blessing & Dismissal:
Priest: The Lord be with you.
People:And with your spirit.
Priest: May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, + and the Holy Spirit.
Priest: Go in peace. (or another longer formulation)
People:Thanks be to God!

Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal, © 2010, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Friday, June 29, 2012


Once there were two old beggars who were hit by a fast running car. They were almost dead when the Angel of Death rushed to them, at their last breath He asked them if they still want to live. The old man said, "All throughout, I'd been so poor... I still want to experience the happiness others enjoy... I still want to become rich, to be famous to be powerful..." The old woman, as she grasped for her last breath, whispered her request to the Angel of Death... then, died.

The old man walked up as if everything was a dream. He found himself inside a luxurious room. When he had seen his face on the mirror... what he saw was a dashing good looking young man. When he open his room, servants were waiting for him at his command; when he looked over the balcony, mob of people were so crazy shouting his name as if he was a God! While in another room, a harlem of beautiful women were shouting "I love you."

While feasting on the most delicious food on earth, he heard a ringing phone, suddenly a hologram appeared in front of him. It was the president of the other nation pleading for him not to raid and bomb their hungry country. Grinning cruelly, he enjoyed the moment for this is what he dreamed of... to be loved, to be rich, and to be powerful. He laughed, saying to himself, "Now it's my time to shine!"

The next day he has sent his troop and bombed the other country to possessed it. He did it to other neighboring countries. He almost conquered the world. He became so rich that he possessed the riches of the vast land. He was so powerful that he enslaved almost the humanity with his greed... he earned the reputation... the prestige he ever longed for but he earned more enemies. He thought, he could be happy by acquiring everything, but still, he thirsted for more after these success over success.

But the memory of his wife lingered on his mind. The treasures he have acquired did not sufficed for long. There was emptiness lurking inside of him. He started to search for someone who would loved him like his wife. He hoped to find someone who could be his companion... someone, who, he could share what he had in his lifetime... happiness, love, and treasure.

One day, on his way to his palace, he met a beautiful woman with the eyes which resembled the eyes of his wife. Instantly, he fell in love. He courted the woman and after sometime they get married. On their honeymoon, he admitted that he loved the woman's eyes and he told the reason why. Days past, the beautiful woman left him. On a note she wrote: "I'm so sorry, I found someone else who is more powerful than you are." He cried. The woman only loved her power.

Some years past, while driving a luxurious sports car on a trip to the country side, she met a woman with hair as beautiful as her first wife. She tried to stop his own self. But the woman with the beautiful hair was the first one who did the motive. Until, she finally got his attention. He thought that it was now a true love but he waited for some more signs. The woman kissed his lips when he bid goodbye. That was the sign he was waiting for so he went back again to her the next day and stayed until the night. They have a romantic night together. The next day they got married.

He never told the reason why she loved the woman. But the country girl told the man, "I know you loved me because of my hair, maybe, this remind me of someone you have loved."

The man fell ill. His wife managed his vast enterprise. She never visited him in the hospital for she always argue on the phone that she was too busy over their business. She sent her with so many documents to sign with and with trust without even reading about it he just signed. Until the day he recovered. He never found her wife again, there was only a note on their bed from her saying, "thanks for the good times, I found someone richer than you. One day, I will take from you something that will remind me of you. In return, I will send you what you really love about me."

He cried. For a long time he was so sad. He chose to be alone.

Until one day, he tried to reinvent his self. He looked onto the mirror. Fixed his face. Comb his hair. Dressed well... put on his tuxedo and sprayed on him the most expensive perfume. Totally, he was changed. What he now saw on the mirror was a gorgeous looking debonair. With a youthful smile, he hit the road and went to the night.

Upon entering a French restaurant, he bumped into a angel looking lady. Her face was like the face of his first wife. But he did not want to spoil the night. He just helped her and went to his place. He was alone at his table. He just drank some wine. Until the music of the night as the hour passed became so romantic. Loneliness started to lurk in him. Couples were already dancing. He just let them and drank harder. One lady, approached him: "Would you mind to dance my friend, she's a little bit like a wall flower." The lady pointed to the angel looking lady she just bumped with before reaching his table. He looked at her, like him she was also alone.

He stood up. He went towards her. He opened her arms and invited the angel looking lady for a dance. The music is now sweeter. The angel looking lady accepted his invitation. They found themselves in each others' arms. They have a little chat... then, they smiled at each other, looked onto each one's eyes. The lights became dimmer and the music became sweeter. As they danced, they closed their eyes until they felt their lips kissing each others. He whisphered, "You are so beautiful." The angelic faced woman replied, "You are so handsome."

Times past, he loved the woman more and more. But his illness persevere. It turned out as cancer. He needed to undergo some sessions of chemotherapy. His hair started to worn off. The angelic faced woman was so sad every time she visited him. She was so upset. When she was visiting the man in the hospital, her phone usually rang. Then she would hurried herself out and promised to be back again. Until months passed, she never returned. She just received the news that she already moved with the poor cute guy who usually called her in the hospital.

After some years, the man recovered. He went out of the hospital but he was not as strong as before, as good looking as before. He now walked with a crutch. His color, so pale. He hair, gone.

When he tried to get home, his mansion was full of army. He thought that they just did not recognized him that's why they don't let him in. But upon arguing, he recognized that the mansion and all of his properties were already taken from him by the woman with the golden hair. The guard gave him something from her. It was wrapped in a silk, it was the golden hair of the woman. There's a note" "Now we're even."

He walked so sad. He's now ugly and poor. He tried to call his friends but they were not responding for the entire nation is now in chaos. They were attacked by the rebels. From the television on a store he went in, he heard that the rebels were looking for him. The woman speaking was his wife, the woman with the beautiful eyes. He had seen that his mansion was bombed, 'the woman with the golden hair must be dead by now,' he thought. The nation, because of his greed and tyranny, hunted him. They want him dead. They placed a high reward on his head.

He covered his face. He went out from the store. The snow outside started to fall. He tried to run but it was too cold. His legs were almost numbed. He reached the road. With his crutch his already exhausted. It's getting dark and he was already halfway crossing. Suddenly, a car from the darkness honked. It was already too late. He was hit, blood run from his head. Two people went out from the car. The woman from the car screamed, "No!" The man laugh, "It's okay, he's the man shown from the television... now we are rich!" The woman cried. She was the woman with the beautiful face."

At his last breath, the Angel of Death rushed to the man asking him the same question if he still want to live again. The old man said, "Not anymore, I'm already contented and so sorry for everythng..." He added, "I was wrong... life is not about riches, power and prestige. It's about love. Happiness is a choice... life is all about attitude. I failed when given the chance... and even lost the person who loved me most... I should have been contented with her... all my life, I'd been looking for her."

Then a soul appeared to him saying, "Come to me now... rest with me." It was his first wife. The Angel of Death told him, "before she died, she whispered to me that she want her bastard husband be back to her..." I asked her why and she gave me three reasons: "because she found her greatest treasure in you, because you were the most handsome man for her and because you were the reason of her life." Then the man asked the Angel of God, "Why did she not chose to be with me then?" The Angel of Death said, "because whatever happened, she simply knew that you would look for her."
Then the old man hugged the spirit of her wife.

Den Mar

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Bawat isa sa atin
Ay iba-iba ang tinatahak na landas
Sa paglalakbay natin
Iba-iba man ang ating hinahanap
May makakasabay at makakasabay din tayo
Na sa kahabaan ng daan
Ay ituturing nating kaibigan

Kapag nagsanga ang ating landasin
Ito ang punto na maaari tayong mamili
O sumama at makibahagi sa iba
Ang makilakbay sa ruta ng ating inibig
Sa isang daan na tinatawag nating pagniniig

Hanggang sa magsanga muli ang ating binabagtas
Kung kailan kailangan nating tanggapin ang ating paghihiwalay
Doon natin maiisip na ang lahat ng bagay
Ay may katapusan at laging may hangganan

Sa paglalakbay na ito
Maaari tayong magmahal
Upang makibahagi sa ating kapwa buhay
Kahit may hangganan man ito
Dahil tayo ay pawang mortal
Ang pag-ibig ang magpapanatili sa ating buhay (keep us alive in memory)

Subalit mayroon ding pag-ibig
Na nanghihina at umaandap
Sapagkat pag-ibig ito na hindi tinumbasan ng pagmamahal
Kagaya ng isang ibon na naghahanap ng masisilungan
Maghahanap ito ng lilim sa piling ng iba

Kung kaya kapag tayo ay iniibig
Pahalagahan natin ang ating mangingibig
Sapagkat may hangganan ang bawat pagtitimpi
Dahil matampuhin ang pusong hindi nadidilig

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Kumakapit ako
Mula sa aking kawalan

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez,sSSS


if i can't love them all
at least, i need to be FAIR enough

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS


Naiintindihan ko
Kung bakit ka ganyan
Laging mapaghinala
Laging mataas ang boses
Maraming galit sa mundo

Mahirap sabihing
Na maadali ang pinagdadaanan mo
Dahil hindi ko lubos na nadarama
Ang pait na pinagdadaanan mo

Hindi ka sa akin 'appreciative'
Kasi nalaman ko
Na ganun din pala sa iyo ang iba
Nahusgahan ka sa malinis mong intensyon
Binigyang malisya ang dalisay mong layunin
Pinag-isipan nila ng mali
Ang pakay mo
Na ang hangarin lamang
Ay ang makatulong sa sitwasyon

Hanggang sa na-'burned-out ka'
Isinuko mo na
Ang iyong pagmamagandang loob
Mula sa matagal nilang panunubok
Ay naturuan kang lumaban
Hanggang sa matagal na panahon
Naging repleksyon nila
Ang iyong nadustang pagkatao

Heto ako ngayon
Katulad mo noong bagito (new comer) ka pa
Punung-puno ng pag-asa
Kasalukuyang humahabi ng mga pangarap
Subalit ngayon pa lang
Ay iyong binabasag na
Nararamdaman kong ikaw ay naghihiganti
Kung kaya hindi mo makita sa akin ang kabutihan
Puro kamalian ko ang iyong nasisipat
At paghihinala ang iyong nadarama sa akin

Ang nangyari
Ay trahedya
Naging isa itong ebolusyon
Ng kabutihan patungo sa kasamaan
Subalit hindi ito matatapos
Kung hindi mo sisimulan
Sa iyong sarili
Ang pagpapakawala
Nang lahat ng pait
At pagiging maramdamin

Nasa iyong kamay ngayon
Ang pagbabago
Isa itong imbitasyon
Na maaaring yakapin
Balikan mo ang dating ikaw
Kung saan dumadaloy ang kabutihan
Kasabay ng pagtunaw mo sa iyong puso
Na nabigo at nasaktan

Huwag mo akong i-molde ng tulad sa iyo
Huwag mo akong gawing halimaw na mapanggapi
Dahil sa kulturang iyong sinukuan at niyakap
Kultura ng pagiging talangka
Na mainggitin at mapanghusga

Palayain mo na ang iyong sarili
Mula sa sobrang awa at pagiging sugatan
Bagkus hilumin mo mula sa pagkakadapa
Sa pamamagitan ng pagpapatawad sa sarili at kapwa...

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS

Mahal na Ina

Marami akong kinikimkim
Na pasaning mabigat sa aking balikat
Mga samu't-saring problema
Mga kabiguan
Mga takot
Mga hinanakit...

Lahat ng ito
Ay kulang pa
Upang isalaysay ko
Ang mahabang litanya
Ng mga bagay-bagay
Na gumulo
Sa kaibuturan
Nang aking puso
Nang aking nangangambang pagkatao

Itinataas ko sa iyo
Lahat-lahat ng mga bagay na ito
Kung saan
Katulad ng isang bata
Na nangungulila sa kanyang ina
Eto ako
Naninikluhod (on bended knees)ng buong pagpapakumbaba
Umiiyak na nagsusumbong
Upang hingin ang iyong tulong
Upang idulog mo kay Hesu-Kristo

Mahal na Ina
Manahan ka sa akin
Samahan mo ako sa aking pag-iisa
Upang ihatid patungo sa Iyong anak
Akayin mo ako patungo sa Kanya
Upang bigat ng aking pasanin
Ay angkinin Nya at balikatin...

go to a recollection:

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS


let my act of silence
be an act of my prayer

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Level ng Pakikipagtagisan

Tagisan ng kaalaman
Pangangatwiran at
Ng pananalita
Nadaan sa asaran
Pero hanggang sa tanghalan lamang
Pero sa isang punto lamang
Pero nagkakasunduan din naman

Meron kasing naungkat
Tapos naibato
Maaaring nakanti
Ng kinaiinisang ala-ala
Na ipina-alala
Na taliwas
Sa pinaglalabang katwiran
Maaring minsan
Ang kalaban
Dahil hindi makalusot
Nang-aasar na lang
Kasi ang laging katwiran
Kapag naasar e talo
Yung nambu-bwiset ay yun ang nananalo

Kasi naaangasan
Kung kaya laging pinipintasan
Kung may makita man
O may napapansin man
Iyon ay kamalian
Kahit pa nasa katwiran
Kahit ang tao'y nananahimik
Piit na lihim na sinisiraan
Dahil ang nais
Ang iba sa kanya ay huwag magtiwala

Nakaramdam ng injustice
Pakiramdam ay naloko
Kaya sa pagkakataong iyon
E nag-init ang ulo
Nagsalita ng pagmumura
Nang matamaan ang "ego"
Kaya itong namura
E gumanti rin ng mura
Hanggang sa nagkasakitan
Nang dumilim ang paningin
Pero matapos ang galit
E dagli namang naareglo
Kahit bugbog sarado
Nakuha pang makipagkasundo

Kumukulo ang dugo
ayaw nang makita ang isang tao
sobrang galit
Kung pwede e makapatay nang tao
Kaya kahit andyan ang tao
Itinuturing siyang wala lang
Parang patay
Hindi pinapansin
Hindi nakikita


maaaring may mga bagay
na hindi pa maipaliwanag
pero hindi ito nangangahulugan
na wala itong halaga

Lahat ng mga bagay ay may kahulugan
Hindi ko man ito makita o maunawaan
Hindi ko hahadlangan ang iba
Na maging maligaya
Sa mga bagay
Na hindi ko namalas ang katuturan

May kahulugan ang lahat ng bagay
Hindi man ito maunawaan ngayon
Darating ang panahon
At may isip na kikilatis nito
Kung saan ang dalisay na pagpapakahulugan
Ay tila liwanag na bubulwak
Sa pagkasilang nito
Mula sa sinapupunan
Nang mga hindi pa maipaliwanag

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Kalayaang Umibig

Sana isang yugto lang nang aking buhay
Ang pagdadalawang isip na ito
Kung saan pati ang aking pag-ibig
Ay kinakailangang subukin
At mamili
Sa dalawang bagay
Na parehong nais ko
Ito ang bumibiyak sa aking puso
Dahil kinakailangan kong magpasya
Upang mamimili na sa huling pagkakataon
At iwanan ng tuluyan
Ang isa sa kanila
Na hindi ko mabitiw-bitiwan

Mahirap ang kumawala sa kanyang pagkakahawak
Dahil nakagapos ito sa magagandang pag-asa
Ang mga ala-ala ng pagmamahalan
Ang mga pangarap na nasambit
Mga bagay na hindi madaling kalimutan
At tuluyang ibaon
Sa paglipas ng panahon

May mga matatamis na nakaraan
Ang sadya marahil na hindi makakalimutan
Subalit kinakailangan
Bigyan ng tuldok
Hindi na ito ang aking ngayon
Magiging sakim ako
Kung hindi ko mapapalaya ang aking sarili
Sa ating lubos na kalayaan
Higit tayong nagiging mapagmahal.

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS

Pang-gabing Ibon

Akala mo lang
Masama akong babae
Dahil kapag nasa entablado ako
Larawan ako para sa iyo
Nang isang kabalahuraan
Na iyong pinandidirihan
At ayaw matingnan

Subalit sa likod ng hubad kong katawan
Na iginigiling ko sa entablado ng tanghalan
Ay ang panginginig ng aking kaluluwa
Habang pinagpipiyestahan ng mga gahaman
At naglalaway na mga mata

Kung saan
Kahit na maharot at mapanghalina ang musika
Hindi ko na makuhang lagyan pa ng emosyon ang aking pagsasayaw
Dahil pikit matang itinatakas ko na lamang aking diwa
Habang iniisip ko ang kalayaan
Kung saan maraming sariwang damo
Kung saan naroon ang ang aking mga anak
Tumatakbo ng may pananabik
Patungo sa kanilang nag-iisang nanay

Mamamalayan ko na lamang
Na mabilis lumipas ang gabi
Kasabay ng pagkaubos ng bawat bote ng alak
O pagkasunog ng mga hinithit na sigarilyo
Isa-isang tatahan ang mga halakhak at hiyawan
Kasabay nito ang pag-akbay sa aking balikat
Patungo sa madilim na silid
Kung saan kagaya ng mga nakagawian ko sa bawat gabi
Ibibigay ko ng paulit-ulit
Ang aking sarili at manhid ko nang pagkababae
Sa kung sinu-sinong lalaki
Na hindi ko na nagawang alamin pa
Na tanungin ang mga kanya-kanyang pangalan

Kung lulugar ka sa akin
Alam kong papagurin ka ng masalimuot na panlulumo
Kailangang tiim-bagang ko itong tiisin
Upang matumbasan ng nakaw na sandali
Ang pag-asa na natitira sa aking sarili

Pangarap ko ring magbago
Malimit... madamot ang pagkakataon
Nais ko ring umahon mula sa putikang kainasasadlakan ko
Subalit ako ay patuloy na nilulunod
Nang agos ng aking buhay
Na tila wala nang patutunguhan
At tila wala nang kapahingahan

Ganun pa man..
Kinakailangan kong panindigan ang pagbabago
Hindi na lang para sa akin
Kundi para na lang sa mga mga anak ko
Tulungan mo ako sa pagkakataong ito
Ituro mo sa akin
Ipakita mo sa akin kung paano...

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS

Friday, June 22, 2012


Huwag mo akong hanapan ng pagmamahal
Dahil hindi mo naman ako minahal
Ramdam ko na kaylan man ay hindi mo ako itinatangi (favored)
Dahil lagi ka sa aking nanlalamig

Nagsisimula pa lang akong magsalita
Isinasarado mo na agad ang iyong pandinig
Itinataas mo na agad ang tono ng iyong boses
At laging hinahanapan ng pagkakamali

Mas marami kang nakikitang dahilan upang ipagtabuyan akong palayo
Kahit ilang ulit kong piliting lumapit sa iyo
Umiiwas ka sa pamamagitan ng mga pa-angil mong pananalita
At binibigyang malisya ang aking mga pananaw

Habang kayo ay masaya ng mga mapalad mong itinatangi
Sa isang sulok ako ay naghihintay na iyong mapansin
Idinadaan ang pag-aasam sa paghinga ng malalim
Na sana ako rin ay iyong tapunan ng tingin

Kahit na ganito ang aking kinalalagyan
Hindi kaylan man ako sa iyo ay magtatampo
Hindi ako naiinggit sa mabuting kapalaran ng iba
Sapagkat alam kong marami sa akin ang hindi kaibig-ibig

Kung hindi mo man ako maituring katulad ng iba
Sana naman ay huwag mo na akong pagmalabisan
Dahil hindi ko kayang pasinungalingan sa iba
Ang hindi makatarungang pagtrato mo sa akin

Sana dumating ang panahong matutunan mo akong mahalin
Dahil wala akong paghuhugutan ng anumang pag-ibig
Kung hindi ko naramdaman ito mula sa aking sarili
Na kailanman ay hindi minahal o kailanman ay hindi inibig...

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS


Maraming pagkakataon
Na inaaamin ko
Na maraming mga bagay
Ako na hindi nauunawaan

Iyon ay dahil
May kahinaan ang aking pagkatao
Madaling pangunahan ng galit
May kakitiran ang aking isip

Limitado lamang kasi ang aking pag-unawa
Sa marami mong mga hinahanap sa akin
Heto ako, nagkukumahog
Upang makatugon
Sa labis-labis na iyong hinahangad
Na talaga nga namang wala sa akin

Pinilit kong magbago para sa iyo
Hindi ako ang taong hinahanap mo
Matapos ang matagal na pagpupursigi
At pikit-matang pagtanggap
Sa hamon na iyong nilikha
Dumating ang pagkakataon
Ang ngayon
Upang tanggapin ko ng buo
Ang aking pagkatao
Kasama ng aking kahinaan

Hindi ito upang ikaw ay biguin
Kundi ang tanggapin ko ang aking sarili
Ang aking pagka-ako na matagal mo nang iniiwasan
Na kailangan mo nang harapin ngayon

Ang totoong ako ang nagmamahal sa iyo
Ang ako na walang bahid pagkukunwari
Na nais kong mahalin mo
Kahit pa marami akong kahinaan
Kahit pa na marami akong kabiguan....

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Nawala na ang aking dahilan
Upang ako ay ngumiti
Hindi ko na maialis sa aking sarili
Ang lagi kitang isipin
Dahil pakiramdam ko
Laging kulang ang lahat
Kapag wala ka sa aking piling

Hindi ko magawang gawin
Ang mga bagay na aking nakagawian
Nawalan na ako ng dahilan
Upang umaasa
Upang maging maligaya
Lagi na itong kulang
Mula nang ikaw
Ay kunin mula sa akin ng karamdaman

Ang hirap
Hindi ako makapag-adjust sa sitwasyon
Ang alam mo lang
Na kapag ikaw ay aking dadalawin sa ospital
Kinakailangang magawa ko lahat ang inuutos mo
Alam ko
Sa iyong sitwasyon
Na nakahiga buong maghapon sa banig ng karamdaman
Ako na ang ginawa mong kamay at paa
Kung may hindi ka magawa
Ako ang kinakailangang tumugon
Kung saan may hindi ka marating
Ako ang kinakailangang tumunton

Hindi ako nagrereklamo
Sinasabi ko ang lahat ng ito
Dahil napapagod din ako
Nais kong ipaunawa sa iyo
Na bago kita marating
Dito sa ospital kung saan ka nakalugmok
Ay sanlaksang suliranin din
Ang kinakailangan kong harapin
Dahil ang totoong mundo
Ay nakakapagod din
Kung ikukumpara mo ito
Sa nakakabagot mong daigdig

Lahat tayo ay may kapaguran
Alam kong higit ang sa iyo
Dahil ikaw ay makaramdaman
Kaya lang sa inaasal mong iyan
Itinataboy mo ako upang lumayo sa iyo
Dahil sa bawat paninigaw mo sa akin
Nasasaling ang dumudugo kong puso
Sapat upang makaramdam ako
Nang pagod at kawalang respeto

Mahal kita
Huwag mo namang saiirin (drain) ang aking kabutihan
Dahil napapagod din ako
Nawawalan ng pasensya
Dahil katulad mo
Kailangan ko ring huminga
At maghanap ng makakaramay
Sa gitna ng aking mga pangamba
Tulungan mo ako
Upang higit kitang mahalin
Ayokong dumating ang sandali
Na tuluyan na kitang lisanin

Hayaan mo
Na sa tuwing ikaw ay matapos kong dalawin
Makaramdam sana ako ng pag-asa
Mula sa iyong piling
Na magiging bagay na panghahawakan ko
Mula sa iyo sa bawat pag-alis
Na aking pananabikan
Hanggang sa aking pagbalik...

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS


Matapos akong umasa
Nang mahabang panahon
Ngayon ay aking napagtanto
Na para makatulong sa iba
Kinakailangan ko muna
Na tulungan ang aking sarili

Wala akong maibibigay
Kung hindi ko matutugunan
Ang mga bagay
Na aking kinauuhawan
Mga bagay
Na nais ko ring makamit
Mga bagay
Na nais kong ibahagi

Hindi ko pala pwedeng asahan ang iba
Dahil malimit
Iba ang nais nila
Hindi pala kami magkatulad
Sa aming mga hangarin
Para sa aming kapwa
Iba ang laman ng aming mga puso
Iba ang hinahanap ng aming kaluluwa

Hindi kami magkakasinglalim ng pagtingin
Nang pagpapakahulugan ng kahulugan ng buhay
Kung ano ang pagtulong sa kapwa
Kung ano ang pag-aalay ng buhay
Maaaring nababaliw lamang ako
Sa sinasabi kong pagbibigay ng sarili

Dahil ang sinasabi ko
Ay hindi lamang tungkol sa pag-usal ng dasal
Kundi ang pakikipamuhay
Sa kapwa hininga ng buhay
Sa pamamagitan
Nang pagbusog ng sikmura
Nang lahat ng nangangailangan

Hindi ko sinasabing mas mapagbigay ako
Naglalarawan lamang ako
Kung saan sa aking pagtingin
Ito ang mas kailangan
Nang lansangang aking narating
Kung saan maraming nagugutom
Maraming naghihirap
Kung saan maraming namamatay
At lumilisan ng walang kabuluhan

Kailangan ng mundo ngayon
Ay ang aangkin sa kanya bilang kapatid
Na yayakap sa kanya ng buong-buo
Na walang halong pandidiri at pangungutya
Kapatid na sasabay sa kanyang paglakad
Kahit mabagal dahil sa kanyang na kaluluwa
At hihilom
Sa kanyang sugatang puso

Hindi ko mababago ang puso ng iba
Ang tangi ko lamang magagawa
Ay ang magdasal at umasa
Upang matuto ang aking kapwa
Na magmahal din sa iba
Nang walang inaasahang
Na anomang kapalit o paghahangad

Hindi ko maaaring diktahan ang aking kapwa
Kung kailan at paano magmahal
Dahil hindi ko maaaring saklawin ang kanilang puso
Sapagkat ang maselang bagay na ito
Ay nakalaan lamang
Upang hipuin ng Dakilang Lumikha
Dahil ang makapagtuturo lamang sa aming magmahal
Ay Ikaw Panginoon
Na pinagbubukalan
Nang dalisay na pag-ibig

Gamitin mo ako bilang iyong lingkod
Upang hipuin ang aking kapwa
Patungo sa pagbabago
Nang aming mga manhid na mga puso
Hayaan Mo
Na sa katahimikan at kababawan ng aking paglilingkod
Ay magkaroon ito ng mas malalim na kabuluhan
Kung saan ang aking mga bakas na iiwan
Ay ang mga bakas ng Iyong kadakilaan

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Ito ang pinaka-ayokong mangyari
Ang dumating ang panahong
Masusubok ang ating pagkakaibigan
Kung saan mapipilitan tayo
Na ipakilala ang ating mga sarili
Hindi sa isang pormal na pagkakataon
Kundi sa dagliang sandali

Kung kailan dumating ang panahon
Na wala na akong matatakbuhan kundi ikaw
Ikaw na natutunan kong mahalin
Nang higit pa sa aking sarili
Hindi man ako naghahangad ng kapalit
Subalit ito ay pangyayari
Na kailangan kong tumakbo
Sa isang tao na alam kong
Hindi ako pahihindian

Sa unang pagkakataon
Matapos ng aking pagbibigay
Matapos ang aking pagtitiwala
Ramdam kong pinagdamutan mo ako
Hindi ako makapaniwala
Dahil matapos ang mahabang panahon
Sa lahat ng kagustuhan mo
Pinagbigyan kita
Ang isusubo ko na lamang
Ay ibinahagi ko pa sa iyo

Gayong ang hinihingi ko
Ay para naman sa akin
At hindi naman para sa iba
Pinilit kong isa-isahin ang lahat ng rason
Hindi kasi ako makapaniwala
Sa kadamutang bumulaga sa aking mukha
Pinilit kong itanggi na hindi ka ganoon
Subalit narinig ko mula sa iyong mga labi
Ang mga kataga
Na pawang kasinungalingan
Na pawang pagtanggi
Na wala ka pero meron akong nakikita
Na sobra-sobra pa para sa iyo
Na ang karampot man lamang nito
Ay hindi mo magawang maibahagi...

"Sayang ang pagkakaibigang inilaan ko sa iyo..."
Mapait kong nasabi ito sa aking sarili
Sana hindi na umabot ang pagkakataong ito
Kung saan mabubunyag ang iyong pagkatao
Nawa'y gabayan ka ng Dyos
Ikaw na inakala kong magiging aking takbuhan
Matapos ng aking lahat ng aking kabutihang loob
At paghingi ng isang bagay na hindi naman kalabisan
Ikaw na halos pakainin ko sa aking sariling palad
Ang magdadamot sa akin ng ganito

Hindi na ako aasa pa sa ibang pagkakataon
Sa maliit na bagay na ito
Tinanggihan mo na ako
Napatunayan kong ginamit mo lang ako
Kung kaya dumudugo ang aking puso
Kung kaya umiiyak ang aking pagkatao

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Kawalan ng Pagtitiwala

Binasag ang aking katahimikan
Nang iyong tinig
Na dagling pumukaw
Sa aking nahihimlay na pandinig

Biglaan kang dumating
Tinanggap kita
Bilang ikaw
Kahit na
Hindi ako ang hinahanap mo
Pinilit kong
Pakisamahan ka
Nirespeto kita bilang ikaw

Sa mahabang panahon
Itinuring mo akong
Hanapan ng mga nawawalang kapatid
Hinayaan ko lang iyon
Inisip kong
Sa maliit na bagay na ito
Natutulungan kita
Kahit na
Malinaw na malinaw
Na ginagamit mo lang ako

Pinagsawaan ka
Nang taong pinagkatiwalaan mo
Isinantabi ng hindi mo nababatid
Maraming beses
Sinubukan mong hanapin siya
Nang sabihin ko sa iyo ang katotohanan
Ako pa ang pinagdudahan mo
Ipinagkalat mo pa sa iba
Ang saloobin mo
Na nagbigay ng maling kahulugan
At nagpalala ng problema

Kailangan kitang iwan
Dahil sa ginawa mo
Hindi mo ako itinuring na kaibigan
Mula ng pinagdudahan mo
Ang katapatan ko
Mabuti pang manatili akong mag-isa
Sa halip na maging kaibigan pa kita
Ikaw na hindi sa akin rumespeto
Dahil hindi sa akin naniniwala
Dahil hindi ka sa akin nagpahalaga...

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary


June 16, 2012

Today , we celebrate the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Wherein, we could also say that we remember today the goodness of a Mother. Mary, with her pure, meek and loving heart, has completely understood and fully embraced the mysterious God. When Jesus said to them, 'Why were you searching for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?' With her husband, Joseph, she did not understand what Jesus said to them. Perhaps, there was no reaction from her as a Mother of God, but she keeps on pondering everything in her heart. In some translation, she treasured everything in her heart.

Mary reminds me of my mother. Perhaps, my mother is the only person who knows me well. In Tagalog, we have this cliché, “Tingin pa lang alam na. Tono pa lang ng boses, alam na. Kahit wala pang sabihin alam na… kasi Nanay.” An equivalent in English would be, “Mother knows best.”

If ever I wanted something from my Father, I remember, I always ask my mother to request it for me. When someone hurts me, my mother will be there to protect me. When I fall and wound my knees as a child, she’s there to comfort me and to heal my wounds. When I am sick, she spends the night beside me and watches me through the night.

My childhood revolves around my loving mother who made herself available for me. I also have little brethrens, but her love for us remains equal. Even to the point that she stands as both mother and father to all of us. She withstands all the trials of life just to provide a decent living for all of us her children. I know, every mother could do this: to give her life to her beloved children. And perhaps, you also have your own sweet memorable mother’s story.

Mary is the first believer. Her womb was the first tabernacle of Christ. Her heart is the seat of wisdom that contemplates God and has transcended in loving Him beyond her capacity as a human person. Her heart has loved God and has loved the Son of God Jesus who she has begotten through the Holy Spirit. Through her humanity, we share the humanity of Jesus Christ. Through her love, we share into the love of God for us. Through her Immaculate Heart, she connects us to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Like Mary, as foretold in the writings of Isaiah from the first reading, I would like also to express my prayer of trust to the Lord my God. A trust that her heart sings with joy and her little lips has prayed:
“I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my whole being shall exult in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with a garland, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.”

Wherein, in the silence of her Immaculate Heart, she kept all these as she ponders the greatness of God and as she cooperates with the plan of God by totally giving everything; by totally surrendering her all; by allowing God to do His will on her; by loving God and bearing Jesus Christ, our Lord and our Savior; and by loving us as her sons and daughters as she intercedes for us all. Amen.

Br. Archie Villegas Perez

Monday, June 11, 2012

On My Father's Shoulders

there was this boy who can't walk. despite of his condition, he usually go to school on the shoulder of his father. the substitute teacher noticed that his father usually stayed until their class ended so he, who was new to that place, decided to go with them for him to be familiar with the place.

finally, they reached the cliff of the mountain where a long coconut tree was lying connecting to the other edge of the other mountain.

the substitute teacher asked, "so... we need to balance just to get to the other side?"

the boy replied, "yes... there's no other way... see the white waters below, its ravaging... it's impossible to cross through that river."

the teacher sighed, "impossible..."

but the child said, "you don't believe that my father can?"

the teacher said, "it is impossible..."

the boy said, "we will cross first, then you can follow us."

the teacher said, "i can't, i'm afraid of heights."

"then my father will carry you on his shoulder," the boy suggested.

"alright, only if i see him carry you there and back here. then, i''ll believe perhaps."

so the father and son crossed through the coconut trunk. they easily reached the other side and as they promised they returned for the teacher.

the boy said, "do you now believe that my father could cross you there?"

but the teacher refused to say a word.

"you just need to direct my father so that he could carry you up to the other side."

the teacher said, "okay, i believe you. but if anything happens to me, your father would be blamed.he will see..."

but the lame boy said sadly, "i think you can't blame him."

"why?" the teacher asked.

"because he's blind."

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pag-ibig sa Kapwa

Umabot na ako sa punto
Kung saan
Ang buhay-buhay sa aking paligid
Ay nagmistulang hininga na ng aking sariling buhay

Ang emosyon
Na natatago sa bawat 'buhay na larawang gumagalaw' (living portrait)
Sa bawat buhay na nagpupumilit makipagtagisan
Sa pang-araw-araw na buhay
Ay aking nadarama
Kung saan
Dalisay itong dumadaloy
Mula sa kanilang puso
Patungo sa aking dugo
Na siyang nagiging tinta (ink)
Na nagdi-dibuho (draw)
Nang bawat galaw at ritmo
Nang buhay na bumubulong
Sa aking pagkatao

Masidhing naarok na ang sinapupunan ng aking kaluluwa
Dahil sa aking pakikibahagi
Sa inibig kong 'masa ng buhay'
Kung saan ang tibok ng kanyang puso
Ay inari ko na ring tibok ng aking pagkatao
Ang dahilan ng aking kaligayahan
Kung saan napagtanto ko
Sa pagsabay ko sa ang aking kapwa buhay
Sa kaligayahan o kalungkutan
Ang paglingkuran siya
Dahil sa pag-ibig
Dahil sa pagmamahal
Ito ang naging ligaya at langit
Nang puso kong naliwanagan

Sa pagkakataong ibinahagi ko ang aking sarili sa aking kapwa
Ang pag-aalay ng aking buhay
Ay hindi nangangahulugan
Na ako ang higit na nag-sakripisyo
Sa bawat pait nila na aking hinagkan
Sa bawat ligaya na isinuko ko at ibinigay para sa aking kapwa
Masasabi kong
Hindi ako nawalan
Pinalalim ng bayang inibig ko
Ang kaibuturan ng pag-kasarili ko
Kung saan
Binigyan nila ako
Nang malalim na dahilan
Upang mabuhay
Hindi para sa aking sarili
Kundi para sa aking kapwa
Na hindi man nagmamahal sa akin
Subalit natutunan kong ibigin pa rin

Sapagkat... ako ay inibig
Ang pinaghuhugutan ng aking inspirasyon
Ay ang Dakilang Lumikha
Na unang nagmahal sa akin
Bago ako natutong umibig
Sa aking kapwa
Na aking minahal
Nang higit pa sa aking sarili...

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS

Insights on the effects of RH Bill

maybe... 20 years from now... running a school will not be a good business at all... fewer children, fewer students... maybe, most catholic schools would be closed since children could be now accommodated by public schools. but speaking about the entire economy, less people may also means less jobs. to augment the scarcity of jobs, home for the elderly would rise in number. i'm afraid that when children failed to witness how grandpa and grandma grows older, how they suffer and how they die... they would miss the real meaning of life in a situation which is so full of convenience.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


may mga bagay na wala naman talaga sigurong kahulugan
ang pwede na lang sigurong gawin e hayaan silang maging ganyan
kung tayo man ang gumagawa ng kahulugan sa mga bagay-bagay
sana ang ibig sabihin nito ay kalayaan upang magmahal


Matapos ang matagal na repleksyon ko
Napagtanto ko
Maaaring nasabi ko lamang ito
Dahil may mga bagay
Na sadya talagang
Hindi ko nasumpungan
Ang kanilang kahalagahan
Dahil hindi ko nagawang
Bigyang kahulugan
Mula sa paghahalaw ko
Sa aking sariling buhay

Subalit hindi ko pala
Dapat itong tuldukan
O supilin ang iba
Upang masumpungan ang kahulugan
Nang mga bagay-bagay
Sa bawat tao
Sa bawat buhay

Ang mga bagay-bagay pala
Ay may kahulugan
Sa mga taong nasaling nito
Mula sa puso
Na tumagos sa bawat kaluluwa


August12, 2012 reflection:

Kung minsan kasi
Kapag tayo ay nagsasalita
We are 'speaking in tongues'
Para tayong nag-uusap sa magkaibang planeta
Kung kaya hindi tayo magkaintindihan

Kasi magkakaiba ang nasasa puso natin
Magkakaiba ang ating intensyon
Magkakaiba ang ating mga pinanggagalingan
Kung kaya iba-iba rin ang pinaghuhugutan ng ating kaluluwa

Hangga't ang totoong pag-ibig ang magbigkis sa atin
Saka pa lamang tayo magkakaunawaan
Kung saan ang sinasabi ng Diyos sa ating mga puso
Ang siyang magiging pamantayan
Nang ating pag-ibig sa ating kapwa tao

Mahirap magmahal
Kapag ang una nating minamahal
Ay pawang
Ang ating mga sarili lamang

Dahil upang ibigin ang ating kapwa
Kinakailangang lumabas tayo
Mula sa ating hangganan sa buhay (borders; comfort zone)
Na idinidikta ng ating sarili
Na idinidikta ng ating gusto
Na idinidikta ng ating
Mapamili at mapamintas
Na pag-unawa sa buhay

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS


ayokong dumating ang pagkakataon
kung kailan masusubok ang ating pagmamahalan
alam ko kasing isusuko mo ako
upang maangkin mo ang nais mo
bagamat ganun man ang mangyari
magpaparaya pa rin ako
hahangarin ko pa rin ang kaligayahan mo
dangang mawalan ako ng dahilan upang mabuhay
palalayain pa rin kita mula sa aking pagmamahal

hahayaan kong angkinin ka muli ng lupa
upang humimlay ng tuluyan sa kanyang malamig na kanlungan
sa katahimikan ng daigdig manahan kang mapayapa
kapiling ng ala-ala ng lumipas na pagmamahalan

pagtangis ko'y baunin mo kasama ng mga rosas na bulaklak
na kailanman man ay hindi maluluoy bagkus aalingawngaw
mula sa iyong kinasasadlakan iiwan ko ang aking pamamaalam
mga bakas ng pag-ibig ng puso kong nagmahal.

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mark 12:18-27 Reflection

From the Gospel reading, we heard that God is the God of the living and not of the dead. We all know that the Saducees who put Jesus into a trap were non-believers of resurrection. Instead of putting Jesus into a test through their misleading argument of a woman who married seven times, their false and shallow belief was shaken by Jesus’ statement that God is the God of the living and not of the dead.

From the Gospel, I realized that God’s mind is beyond our human thinking. That I cannot ‘boxed’ or limit God into what I personally believe. The Saducees were hard-headed. They believed only what they judged to be true for them. They failed to listen to Jesus who is from the Father and who already revealed everything for us to be saved.

Sometimes, in my life, I can say that I am like the Saducees. I only believe what I perceive through my senses. Beyond these observable things, most of the time, I choose not to believe. Why? Maybe, like the Saducees, I also failed to see Jesus as the Son of God. Like the Saducees, I cling to my own belief. Like the Saducees, I failed to see God in the persons God has sent in my midst as my savior. Above all these... like the Saducees, I lacked the faith to believe. I lacked the faith that would transcend beyond my humanly fears. A faith that would lead me to embrace God completely even to death of martyrdom. A faith which is burning with love to God and desire for Him. A faith that completely surrenders to God's will. A faith that trusts God. A faith which is borne out of love for God.

It is a challenge to my faith. To hold on to the promise of Jesus Christ wherein I already claim to have witnessed and believed with my whole heart in His resurrection. That all that had happened to Him would also happen to me... that after I die, I would also be resurrected and have a glorified body. I would let everything to His will as I dine with His eternal Heavenly banquet. With my trust in Him I would simply let God to do His will in me for God is the God of the living.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Marami na akong nadanas na kabiguan at tagumpay
Ngunit sa pagkakataong ito
Masaklap ang aking nadamang kabiguan
Tila pinagsakluban ako ng langit at lupa
Kung kaya halos gumuho
Ang mundong aking ginagalawan

Naging arogante (arrogant) ako
Masyadong mapagmalaki
Dangang ipagmagaling ko ang aking sarili
Nakita kong angat at pinagpala ako sa iba
Kung kaya ginamit ko ito
Upang manlamang sa aking kapwa

Akala ko...
Akin lahat ang mga bagay na ito
Nabuhay akong tila wala akong kamatayan
Inubos ko ang aking oras upang libakin ang buhay ng iba
At ang lahat ng aking lakas
Upang agawan ang aking kapwa

Dahas ang aking naging sandata
Karangalan ko ang katakutan ng aking kapwa
Kung kailan sa kawalang katarungan
Ako lamang ang naghahari
Ang tanging makapangyarihang diyos-diyosan ng aking kapwa

Subalit sa pagkakataong ito
Natambad sa akin ang aking kamalian
Kung kailan huli na
Kung kailan ako'y nasa banig na nang karamdaman

Ito pala ang pinakamatindi kong kabiguan
Na ang maunawaan ko na hindi ako isang imortal
Na ang lahat ng aking pinag-ubusan ng lakas
Ay pawang paimbabaw at walang patutunguhan
Kasabay ko marahil
Na kapag ako ay pumanaw
Ang maiiwan kong ala-ala
Ay isang aninong kasumpa-sumpa
Na kung mababanggit ang aking namayapang pangalan
Mumurahin ako ng bawat maka-alala...

Br. Dennis DC. Marquez, sSSS